
Who Can Or Should Draft My Will?
It is perfectly acceptable to draft one’s will. But only an attorney can legally draft a will for you....
A Last Will and Testament Blog Image
Must A Will Actually Be Read Out Loud To The Family By The Personal Representative Or Attorney?
A state law could possibly require this, but generally this is a movie scenario and not done in real...
How are creditors against the estate handled?
Creditors are notified of the death as part of the probate process. This notification process can vary...
Are provisions for the care and guardianship of minor children usually provided for in a will?
Often they are, but a court is not bound by these provisions and might overrule them if there was a specific...
How does “joint tenancy” affect a will?
Joint tenancy with right of survivorship (JTWROS) is a common legal method of defining property ownership...
What Happens When The Person Who Dies Owned Land In Multiple States?
Usually, the laws of the state in which the deceased was last a permanent resident prevail regarding...
How are creditors against the estate handled?
Creditors are notified of the death as part of the probate process. This notification process can vary...
What is the basis for a will contest?
What are the main duties of a personal representative?
The main tasks of a Personal Representative are to: (1) determine if there are any probate assets; (2)...